2 To 3 Phase Converter
From its beginning, 2 To 3 Phase Converter has been a part of Beta Phase Converter’s very name. Today, our applications for this technology are nearly endless. Our deep portfolio of existing installations, systems and services speaks to the lasting necessity of the industry we helped create.
- Beta Phase Converter strives to set “The New Quality Standard” in providing world-class phase conversion solutions
- Beta Phase Converters generate 3-phase electricity with an active hybrid generator which runs on single phase power. This technology is utilized to ensure the greatest possible return on your investment in terms of lifespan and energy consumption
- Our phase converters are used internationally to power industrial 3-phase equipment with hi-performance and consistent quality
- Two-Phase to Three Phase Converters for Motors offered by us is high in performance, low on maintenance and is used in diverse industries and other areas. Widely used to reduce breakdown, of electrical equipment, our range is also suitable for saving energy and require low maintenance.
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