Energy Saving Equipment


BETA is an Energy Efficiency Technology Company that Consults, designs, automate and manufacture to utilize energy optimization techniques and savings energy for industries, Commercial and Residential buildings. The company was founded to focus on optimizing Energy losses and resolving the issues of weak power transmissions to create a better solution in Energy Efficiency. EMPORES is dedicated to the research of Electrical Efficiency, suppression of energy losses and improve Energy savings. 


BETA Combines Machine learning (ML), Embedded Artificial intelligence (AI) and impedance matching technique in which the Maximum power is transferred from a source to load when the load resistance matches the internal resistance of the source. The system is high advanced and sophisticated that are equipped with State of the Art Control systems that has monitoring, measuring and reporting techniques. Each System is carefully calibrated according to the electrical equipment and load profile of the client. In BETA addition to allowing considerable energy savings, this also guarantees safe and protected operation and a longer service life for both the system and the connected equipment. All power transferring devices, including transformers, \ have inherent impedance with resistive, inductive or capacitive components. The resistive component is of particular importance in energy efficiency because it causes a power loss (I2R). In the power loss is less than 0.3%, contributing to the overall reduction of energy costs. Electrical feeders cause a power loss due to the resistive component of their impedance, and this power consumption is increased when the line and load impedances are not matched. Being positioned between the feeder line and the load, BETA units are capable of providing impedance matching, dynamic control and equipment protection which reduces resistive losses and conserves energy, optimizing the delivery of electrical power to the user’s equipment.
